Don’t like how you are experiencing the world?

Change How You are Relating with It.

With practice, we can increase the amounts of
motivation, inspiration, joy and love we generate
for ourselves and experience with each other.
Start on your path now to be a better relator.

Don’t like how you are experiencing the world?

Change How You are
Relating with It.

With practice, we can increase the amounts of motivation, inspiration, joy and love we generate for ourselves and experience with each other. Start on your path now to be a better relator.

I Believe

I believe maintaining a sense of connectedness is essential to professional success and personal well-being. I also know how easy it is to lose sight of this in our digitally driven world of experiencing life through apps, media and taking selfies over unplugging and experiencing life together.

My mission is to help people have better interactions with each other by facilitating shared experience, teaching techniques of safe communication, and exploring how we are connected spiritually. Simply put: More feel-good relating and less “fast-food relating.”

Through continued studies and my own personal journey, I am committed to demystifying the obstacles in the way of love and building healthy relationships. I believe we are way overdue for a shift in how we relate to each other and how we relate in our local and global communities.

My invitation to co-create this shift is open to everyone. Take the 30-day relator challenge and join me at a PSE (public shared experience) event. Share your experience and invite people to join in. – Stephanie Michele

About Stephanie

Stephanie Michele is a Certified Behavioral Analyst, Consumer Retention Specialist, Certified N.L.P. Practitioner and Founder of “No Text or Next.” Stephanie Michele guides individuals and businesses into deeper explorations of the value of relationships and how to modify for peak performance and mutual benefits. She speaks on the importance of practicing communication exercises in the juxtaposition of mainstream “device, media and app-addicted” society. Stephanie is a practical optimist and relational futurist who believes current *relating norms are negatively impacting our present and future relationships yet the path to course correction is relatively simple with dedicated practice. She promotes an exploration of shared vulnerability, intuition and curiosity to increase the quality of relating in a constructive and meaningful way.

In 2009, Stephanie started her company, SocialBling to provide clients with data-driven marketing services that embody her relational principles. Stephanie lives in Los Angeles, CA with her beloved dog, Robie.  Stephanie was LIVE on Youtube every Tuesday at 11 am PST with her show RELATABLE from 2017-2019. See show archives here or listen to archives on iTunes.

*Relating norms in terms of short-form device communication, (texting, instant messaging, dating apps) emphasized debating tactics, and sensationalized media.


Relator 30 Day Challenge

Quality Relating is Essential to Happiness and Healthy Well-Being

How much time do you spend on improving your quality of relating? Now think about how much time you spend on everything else. Spending little or no time in a dedicated *relational practice is the biggest missed opportunity to improve your quality of life and health. Scientists and doctors agree, healthy relationship are essential to maintaining physical and mental health. Take a 30-Day challenge to improve your quality of relating with easy daily, weekly and monthly exercises customized to fit your life.

*Relational Practice – communication exercises and experiences used to learn new ways of accessing all the information that is available in any situation for the purpose of expanding your relationship with self, other people and the world.

Take the Challenge Because:


You want to experience yourself as a better communicator and peacemaker.


You exercise, eat healthy and have a practice of self care. You feel that improving your relational wellness is also important but don't know where to start.


You want to practice and learn techniques for safe communication and deeper conversations with friends and loved ones.


You want to understand the circumstances in the way of relating well, especially in first time encounters. (first date, introductions, first meeting)


You are a global citizen with a sense of purpose and urgency and know relating is a micro action that is needed for large scale impact.


Connect with Stephanie Michele for speaking inquires and more here:


“Relating well is essential to our health. As we exercise empathetic curiosity with each other we increase our personal well-being and improve the world around us.”     sm-initials-logo-white-45