What’s a Girl Boner?

View Count: 3,777


Do you think you know what turns women on? August Mclaughlin from Girl Boner and Stephanie talk about female sexuality and what empowerment looks like in a post-me too movement era.

Show Highlights

Stephanie states how it is hard to find cues on what turns women on in media and advertising.

August shares why it was important to her to get the term “girl boner” out in the world.

Stephanie and August make it really simple for people — if you don’t know what turns your woman on, just ask her!

Resources Mentioned

Backstory Behind Stephanie and Guest

August makes talking about sex easy and accessible. She generously cares about people and leads the conversation for women to be empowered to make their own decisions about experiencing pleasure. – Stephanie Michele

Social Challenge of the Week

The Social Challenge for the Week: Sex Talk or Sex Walk?

Have a partner? Make time for conversation about turn-ons. Use literature, art or movie to inspire the conversation.

No Partner? Walk into a sex shop for a little exploration. Ask Questions, keeping in mind the store clerk has probably heard your question before. No reason to get embarrassed.

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“Relating well is essential to our health. As we exercise empathetic curiosity with each other we increase our personal well-being and improve the world around us.”  -  sm-initials-logo-white-45