Relatable Episode 103: This Activist/Physicist

View Count: 1,502


Lamar Glover is an artist, activist, and physicist. Stephanie connected with Lamar after hearing his words in the documentary “Behind The Curve” about Flat Earthers.

Show Highlights

Lamar talks about changing college and career paths with some very encouraging words.

Stephanie and Lamar discuss making room for other people to join conversations and learning especially in cases where a strong divide has been established.

Lamar shares some steps used in the scientific community to test observations without an attachment to outcome.

Resources Mentioned

Backstory Behind Stephanie and Guest

I resonated and was inspired by what Lamar had to say in Behind the Curve. After connecting with him it was clear that Lamar is a scientist with a big heart. I am a Lamar fan for sure and look forward to hearing about his future successes.-  Stephanie Michele

Social Challenge of the Week

The Social Challenge for the Week: Testing a Theory

Think about something you have a hunch about. Perhaps you would like to experiment with one ingredient in a recipe or how to be more productive in the day. Here are some guidelines to consider:

1. List out items that will be the same in each experiment.

  • Recipe Example: Isolate the one ingredient you will be testing – decide what optional ingredients you will swap for that ingredient.
  • Productivity Example: List out activities and tasks that are apart your day. Make a two column list of task and activities that either “Give You Energy” or “Drain You.

2. Test one item at a time keeping everything else the same.

  • Recipe Example: Keep all other ingredients the same, follow the same instructions for prep and completion.
  • Productivity Example: It might be difficult to completely remove tasks and activities from your day, instead think about how you can rearrange them to produce better results for you. First, start working with the task or activity that drains you the most. What if you did that first thing in the morning, the last thing of the day or sandwiched between two tasks that give you energy? Use a scale from 1-5 to record how you feel when you start your day, after that task and at the end of the day. You will need at least a week of data for this test, go longer if there is a lot of variation in your work days.

3. Review your results. Ask a friend to taste-test what you made and/or give you feedback on your productivity findings.

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“Relating well is essential to our health. As we exercise empathetic curiosity with each other we increase our personal well-being and improve the world around us.”  -  sm-initials-logo-white-45