Using Your Story to Relate vs. Being a Hateful Comment Troll

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Talked with creative writing teacher, Megan McCord about writing and sharing your story. Conversation started with Stephanie sharing a recent personal experience she had on Facebook. Stephanie suggested that instead of posting hateful comments, it would be a good practice to ask yourself, “Why I am bothered by this,” and share that story as opposed to attacking someone who’s story is different than yours. Megan gave some tips and encouragement to help people embrace and explore writing their story.

Show Highlights

Megan illustrated the joy and growth she has experienced through reading and writing.

Resources Mentioned

Backstory Behind Stephanie and Guest

I met Megan a few months after moving to Los Angeles. I took some time to heal from a breakup before determining what my next career steps would be. In doing so, I took a job managing a yoga studio because my yoga practice in Dallas had been an important part of my healing practice. There were many hypocrisies in my new yoga community that were both confusing and a let down for me which is probably why Megan stood out. She was one of a small group of yoga instructors at the studio who’s words aligned with her actions. Her heart was easy to see. Megan and her family were a welcomed blessing at a time in my life where I was unsure about how I wanted to expose my own heart.” – Stephanie Michele

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“Relating well is essential to our health. As we exercise empathetic curiosity with each other we increase our personal well-being and improve the world around us.”  -  sm-initials-logo-white-45